Question simple past tense
Question!!! 1.write 10 simple past tense from your text 2.change to negative and interrogative Answer 1. •One of them was Dr Inge Putri (-) one of them wasn't Dr Inge Putri (?) was one of them Dr Inge Putri? 2. • Dr from indonesia who participated in fighting covid 19 in australia (-)Dr from indonesia who didn't participate in fighting covid 19 in australia (?)Did Dr from indonesia who participate in fighting covid 19 in australia? 3. • she was also a mother of a child (-) she wasn't also a mother of a child (?)was she also a mother of a child ? 4. • Dr inget say that the clinic was empty but rather crowded (-)Dr inget say that the clinic wasn't empty but rather crowded (?)was Dr inget say that the clinic empty but rather crowded? 5. • Many patients who came for fear of the condition due to covid 19 getting worse (-)Many patients who didn't c...